

This cake is super good! The recipe is adapted from recipe by Martha Stewart and was found here. I made the cake for my dear friend J. for his birthday with the help from my indispensable M. The photographs are bad and taken 2 minutes before leaving, but the taste is so good it is worth reading the rest of this post to find the recipe!

Ta torta je noro dobra! Recept je prevzet po receptu Marthe Stewart in sem ga našla tu. Torto sem naredila za J., zelo dobrega prijatelja, ki je v nedeljo praznoval rojstni dan. Pri tem pa mi je pomagal moj nepogrešljivi M. Fotografije so obupne, sploh zato ker so bile posnete dve minuti pred odhodom, ampak je bil okus torte tako dober, da se ti splača brati naprej, da najdeš recept (sploh, ker si že tako blizu)!

Recipe (12 servings)

Cookie crust:
350 g chocolate cookies
170 g butter
50 g sugar
pinch of salt

Cheese filling:
600 g cream cheese
200 g sugar
240 ml heavy cream

Chocolate ganache:
120 g dark chocolate
120 ml heavy cream

Make the crust: Coat a springform pan with cooking spray or butter. Mix cookies, sugar, butter, and salt in a medium bowl. Pat mixture into pan, pressing firmly into bottom and all the way up sides. Cover, and refrigerate until ready to fill.

Make the ganache: Place chocolate and cream in a bowl over boiling water. Stir until smooth. Reserve 4 tablespoons ganache for decorating, and spread the remainder evenly on bottom and all the way up sides of crust. Cover, and refrigerate until ready to fill.

Make the filling: Beat cream cheese with a mixer on medium speed until fluffy, about 3 minutes. Reduce speed to low, and slowly add sugar and salt. Raise speed to medium-high, and beat until very fluffy, about 3 minutes.

Whisk cream until medium-stiff peaks form. Whisk 1/4 of the whipped cream into cream cheese mixture, then fold in remaining whipped cream. Pour filling into crust, and spread evenly. Gently tap bottom of pan on counter to release air bubbles.

Transfer reserved ganache to a pastry bag fitted with a 1/4-inch round tip. Starting in the center of the cheesecake, pipe a spiral, spacing lines about 1/2 inch apart. Pull the tip of a paring knife in a gently curved line from the center of the spiral to outer edge. Wipe knife clean, and repeat every inch or so to form a web or do as I did and draw!

Cover, and freeze for at least 1 hour or overnight. Unmold cheesecake, garnish with candy spiders if desired, and serve immediately.

Recept (12 kosov)

Piškotna skorja:
350 g čokoladnih piškotov
170 g masla
50 g sladkorja
ščepec soli

Skutna pena:
600 g skute
200 g sladkorja
240 ml sladke smetane

Čokoladni obliv:
120 g jedilne čokolade
120 ml sladke smetane

Piškotna skorja: Namaži pekač za torto z maslom ali sprejem za peko. V posodi zmešaj piškote, sladkor, maslo in sol. Razporedi maso po dnu in robovih pekača in pri tem močno pritiskaj. Pokrij in postavi v hladilnik.

Naredi obliv: Čokolado in smetano daj v posodo nad vrelo vodo in mešaj dokler ne nastane gladek in svetleč obliv. Štiri žlice prihrani za pozneje, ostalo pa razporedi po dnu in stranicah skorje. Zopet pokrij in postavi v hladilnik.

Naredi skutno peno: Stepi skuto dokler ne postane puhasta, približno 3 minute. Zmanjšaj moč stepalnika in počasi dodaj sladkor in sol. Zopet povečaj hitrost in stepaj do zelo puhastega.

Stepi smetano, da začne delati vrhove. Vmešaj 1/4 smetane v skuto, nato pa dodaj še preostalo in previdno vmešaj. Vlij v skorjo in poravnaj, nato pa rahlo udari s pekačem ob površino, da se izločijo mehurčki.
Preostal obliv daj v vrečko za okraševanje in delaj kroge od sredine torte navzven, nato pa s konico noža potegni črte iz sredine proti robu. Med vsakim potegom obriši nož. Lahko pa enostavno rišeš po torti kot jaz.

Pokrij in zamrzni za eno uro ali pa daj v hladilnik čez noč. Tik pred serviranjem jo vzemi iz pekača in po želji dodatno okrasi.
Yours truly, A.

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