

I have been cooking this dish for quite some time, even before I stopped eating meat. It was my mother that introduced me to this recipe, but through time I changed it a bit. This is a vegetarian version, but with some adjustments I think you could make a vegan version too. I will try to make it and post the results.

Sojino carbonaro pripravljam že kar nekaj let, pripravljala sem jo tudi preden sem nehala jesti meso. Recept mi je povedala mami, vendar sem ga skozi čas rahlo spreminjala. Spodnji recept je vegetarijanska verzija, ampak bi se z nekaj spremembami dalo narediti tudi vegansko. Definitivno bom poskusila in potem objavim rezultate.



This cake is super good! The recipe is adapted from recipe by Martha Stewart and was found here. I made the cake for my dear friend J. for his birthday with the help from my indispensable M. The photographs are bad and taken 2 minutes before leaving, but the taste is so good it is worth reading the rest of this post to find the recipe!

Ta torta je noro dobra! Recept je prevzet po receptu Marthe Stewart in sem ga našla tu. Torto sem naredila za J., zelo dobrega prijatelja, ki je v nedeljo praznoval rojstni dan. Pri tem pa mi je pomagal moj nepogrešljivi M. Fotografije so obupne, sploh zato ker so bile posnete dve minuti pred odhodom, ampak je bil okus torte tako dober, da se ti splača brati naprej, da najdeš recept (sploh, ker si že tako blizu)!


This Italian dish is perfect for autumn and this depressing whether we are having here in Slovenia. It basically means thick soup with a lot of ingredients. I never make it the same as the last time. So feel free to use your imagination and the veggies you have in your refrigerator. One thing I always like to add is some dried beans, whatever I have at home. And than I add some fresh veggies and quite a lot of spices.

Preprosta italijanska jed, ki je več kot primerna za jesen in turobno vreme, kakršnega imamo zadnjih nekaj dni. Minestrone je ime za gosto juho z veliko sestavinami in osebno je nikoli ne naredim enako kot prejšnjič. Tako da svobodno spremeni recept in dodaj zelenjavo, ki ti leži v hladilniku. Je pa ena stvar, ki jo vedno rada dodam, in to so suhe stročnice. Nato pa dodam nekaj svežo zelenjavo in veliko začimb.